When we first started farming, we were only taught commercial farming methods. We watched people doing the same ole’ thing for years and expecting different and better results from year to year. Of course, things never got better using these methods; they tended to worsen. We watched farmland get worn-out, worn-down, eroded, and abused. We also observed how these commercial farming practices, industrial and processed foods, were wreaking havoc on people’s bodies. We saw people’s health suffering as they followed the typical and sad American diet. This included our own health.
We knew something needed to change. We decided to take part in changing it! Using nature as a pattern, we began learning and implementing systems to start healing the land and the food supply. Disregarding conventional wisdom, we began planting trees and moving animals daily, getting them all on pasture. This made a massive difference for our hogs—both in the health of the pigs and taste. Most of us know that it is typical practice to have pigs spend their whole life on concrete. They are known to wallow in their own waste. Pigs are known to stink! Well, not at Midwest Mulefoot Ranch, you will find there is no smell and no wallowing in their filth!
Today the farm arguably represents one of Midwest’s premier non-industrial food production related to pork production. Believing that the Creator’s design is still the best pattern for the biological world, our farm invites like-minded folks to join in the farm’s mission: to develop sustainable, delicious, and healthy food.


Know Your Food and Your Farm